G Programs

Details of Country Program

1.Human Rights and Social Protection: The womens and girls rights, the sexual reproductive and health rights, protection of women and girls from all kinds of violence, Gender Equality, the laws and legal frame works issues etc are going to be considered in this country program. All kinds of awareness raising activities on various issues through workshops, trainings, events, campaigns/BCC materials production. Education, health and Water, Hygiene & Sanitation (WASH) activities are under this country program.

2.Family Livelihoods and Decent Work: The Womens economic empowerment activities/projects, various trainings on Entrepreneurship and business development, livelihoods improvement income generating activities (IGAs), creating various businesses and employment opportunities will be implemented under this program.

3.Investment and Economic Growth: GEWA will do facilitation of investment project (a set of interdependent tasks and activities) to achieve defined economic or financial goals for potential members. The investment projects will include but not limited to information on the purpose of the planned investment, feasibility studies for investment opportunities, facilitating the expenditure required for its implementation, fund soliciting, criteria, creating employment and job opportunities, contributing economic growth and methods for assessing the effectiveness and risks of participants of the investment process and desired effects (results) for interested GEWA members.

4.Culture, History and Development: Development of people to people relations where GEWA International has its presence and operations for culture, history and values sharing. The events, exhibitions and bazaars, introducing and promoting countrys culture, traditionetc nationally, continentally and internationally are going to be considered under this program. The organization will work on identifying women’s great achievements and contributions on economic, social and polutical affairs   and use these women as a role models for women’s empowerment, will implement various projects to acknowledge the Role Model Women at regional, national and continental levels so as to promote womens capacity development and empowerment. The organization will strengthen its partnership and cross fertilization with Women lead Organizations and Networks.

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