about GEWA

GEWA International

is a global Women Alliance non-political, non-religious, non for profit and non-governmental organization working towards gender equality, women’s & girls’ empowerment and against poverty. GEWA International is founded in 2021 by Ethiopian visionary lady, registered and headquartered in Norway, Oslo.

Currently, EWA International has its chapters (Country Offices) in Ethiopia, South Africa and United States of America.

GEWA International as women’s and girls’ rights organization works in solidarity and equal partnership with women’s rights or Women Led organizations, Women’s Associations and Women’s Networks and other development organizations with a mission to transform the lives of women and girls.

It is INGO engaged in empowering the community, particularly, women and girls through diverse developmental activities focusing on economic and social empowerment globally. It is an international organization that exerts its time, resources and capacities in ensuring women’s & girls’ empowerment and gender equality and against poverty in association with other likeminded development partners and civil society organizations.

join our Action and everyone can help
..Since.. 2021

a just world where all women and girls use their fullest potentials and capacities in all aspects for their better lives.

  • Foster the capacities of women and girls through different capacity development packages, trainings and/or services so that they can utilize their fullest potentials.
  • Create possible platforms and ways where all women and girls can openly discuss their social and economic issues/lives that will help them get possible solutions.
  • Support and facilitate to preserving Ethiopia’s productive history, cultures and heritages through creation of mentorship and experience sharing platforms among women. 
  • Thrive for collaboration and creation of synergy with other organizations and partners for gender equality and women’s empowerment.

እስከሆነ ድረስ ለመቀላቀል ለማንኛውም ወይም ለማንኛውም ድርጅት ክፍት እና ተደራሽ ነን
ዓላማቸው እና እሴቶቻቸው ከእኛ ጋር የሚጣጣሙ እና የእነሱ አስተዋፅኦ ጠቃሚ ነው
ወደ ተልእኳችን። እንዲሁም በእኛ ውስጥ ርህራሄን እና የሰዎችን ንክኪ እናስቀድማለን።
የዕለት ተዕለት እንቅስቃሴዎች.

የሁሉንም ባለድርሻ አካላት እና አካላት ግብአት እና አስተዋፅኦ ዋጋ እንሰጣለን
አጠቃላይ ድርጅታችንን እና ተልዕኮአችንን በጋራ እንሰራለን። እኛም እናምናለን።
long term strategic partnerships; no individual can be a “one-man-team” and
ስኬት የሚመጣው ሁሉም የቡድን ተጫዋች በመሆን ብቻ ነው።

በሁሉም ነገር ላይ ተጨባጭ፣ ዘላቂ እና ጥልቅ ተጽእኖ እንዲኖረን እንፈልጋለን
do and the best of all parties is required to hit our targets. It is a grand and
intricate mission we have undertaken, so only the highest standard of any
output is required.

We have the endless task of better empowerment on hand as a priority, so it is
expected of everyone to exercise their leadership skills to the fullest. This
requires a strong drive and always taking initiative which is measured and
translates in each task every time.

We are fully aware that a flawed and corrupt system is what has caused the
majority the problems we have set out to solve. Knowing this, we have no tolerance towards devious and reckless intentions and activities that only impede
our already challenging problem on hand.

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Meet Our Team

Ethiopia Alemayehu


Pastor Beza Mergia

Vice president

Awoke Moges

Executive Advisor

Meriam Daniel

Secretary General

Kassahun Belay

Ethiopia Country Representative

Helen Hailu

UK Country Representative

Tinebeb Nega

South Africa Country Representative

Selamawit Biruk

Marketing Director

Melikte Yohannes

Media and Communication
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